Monday, January 30, 2012

grouchy germans

I went out to 'The Independent' tonight (its a local bar) and had the most amazing hot chocolate and caprese on a baguette. I have discovered two important things about germany: german food is awful, food in germany is really good. Tonight in the colleg they served us stuffed cabbage. I know that stuffed cabbage can be really amazing because my dad makes an amazing version. The stuffed cabbage here was bland and lacking in any spice. My other major observation is that there are two types of people that work in shops here. Either, they are extremely friendly and try and talk to everyone in their native tongue or they are grouchy and stare. I dont quite understand why these are the only two categories I have encountered. Further investigation of coffee shops must happen in order to confirm my observation.


  1. Did you call any of them Oscar the Grouch? ;-D

  2. Technically the title should say grouchy germans? since it is still open. Thanks for the props on the cabbage. :)
